Usability Testing

Help Us Make the Best App Ever!

We are looking for girls ages 13-17 y and their parents to help us make the best app ever. We are making an app to help teen girls take control of their food decisions. We need help though! We need your honest opinion on our app, and best part is eligible participants and their parents can earn $25 each just for playing with the app.


We are going to ask you to interact/play our app called ROC Teens! We will ask you questions about the app. We want to know if you like the interface, if it is easy to interact with, do you like the messages. We use the Mobile App Rating Scale to understand what you like and don't like.

Most visits will take an hour to an hour and a half. It depends on how much feed back you give us :)

All participants and their parents will receive $25 amazon gift cards as a thank you from us!

Right now we are looking for girls who were born female and self identify as female between the ages 13-17 years and their parent(s).

Study Details: Consent and Assent forms

Want to know even more? The consent forms (signed by parents) and assent forms (signed by teens) detail the study and can help you decide if you want to participate.

2. usability_mROC-T_consent.pdf
3. usability_mROCT_assent.pdf

Consent Video 

Let us walk you through the consent form
